Upper Seneca Baptist Church
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Our Mission: Impacting the Kingdom of God one person at a time
USBC Sermon Schedule
Sermons by Pastor Dennis Felder
(unless otherwise specified)
September 2024
In September, I will be sharing a variety of sermons to help strengthen and to help encourage us as we face daily challenges in life.

Sept. 1st
Sermon Title: “Love and War: The Ultimate Battle”
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Synopsis: We may live in a world full of war, but as followers of Christ, we have
access to a powerful weapon – love. Love is not just a feeling or an emotion, but it is
a weapon that can conquer even the darkest of war zones.

Sept. 8th
Sermon Title: “Why is Change So Hard?”
Scripture: Mark 6:30-32
Synopsis: There are so many things in life that change. However, the most difficult
to change is our life. God has called each of us to be transformed. For this full
transformation to take place in our life, we must give every aspect of our life to our
Lord and Savior. This can be hard to do.

Sept. 15th
Special Service: “We Are the World”
Scripture: Matthew 28:19
Theme: USBC has been blessed by having the world come to us. During this Special
Service, members of our church family, who are from other countries, will share their
testimonies, stories, and culture about how Christ has worked in their lives.

Sept. 22nd
Sermon Title: “How to Keep Your Composure”
Scripture: Psalm 37:8
Synopsis: Everyday life can challenge our temper. Uncontrolled anger can be
destructive and unhealthy. When anger reaches a toxic level, it destroys lives,
relationships, and puts division between us and our Savior.

Sept. 29th
Sermon Title: “The Poison of the Tongue”
Scripture: James 3:1-12
Synopsis: Our tongue is one of the smallest parts of the body, but it has the potential
to destroy friendships, relationships, and families. Why? Because we can use it to
spew words of hate, condemnation, and meanness.

If you want to view a previous sermon,