Church Services held Indoor (Updated April 2021)
With the nice weather coming back, we will soon have our Sunday Services outdoor whenever possible (see page Outdoor Worship). Nevertheless, if the weather requires to have an indoor service, it is important to know what to expect and what protocols are in place to create a safe and welcoming environment.
Below, is the current “Action Plan for Reopening USBC.” The church has based this plan on recommendations from the CDC, local government officials, Baptist Convention, and the needs and protection of our church family. Each of us will play a critical part in making this a safe and enjoyable experience.
Church’s Responsibility
- Create a clean, safe environment.
- Disinfect the facility before, during, and after worship.
- Provide adequate personal protection supplies (Example: Hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, etc.).
- Temperature checks will be given upon your arrival.
- Setup the facility so that proper “social distancing” can be practiced.
- Provide a meaningful and worshipful experience.
Attendee’s Responsibility
- Practice “social distancing” as required by government agencies and church expectations.
- Observe 6 ft. spacing (this would include no hugging nor handshaking).
- Wear a mask.
- When using the restroom, only one person at a time will be permitted in the restroom unless you need assistance or are with a family member.
- If you are sick, not feeling well, or displaying any signs of COVID-19, please stay home.
- Please be patient and understanding as we work through this together.
- Let your worship time be meaningful and express your gratefulness that we can worship together again.
Safety Table
- Will be setup in the foyer with appropriate signage.
- This table will contain masks, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, gloves, etc.
- Trash bin will be placed near table to dispose of such products.
Information Table
- Will be setup in the back of the sanctuary with appropriate signage.
- This table will hold the bulletins and any additional informational material.
- The offering plates will be placed on this table.
Seating Arrangements for Worship
- Proper spacing between individuals/family groupings.
- Chairs will be appropriately marked to accommodate such requirements.
Worship Service Structure
- Have attendees observe “social distancing.”
- Attendees will be asked to leave their Connect Card on the Communication’s Table upon leaving.
- The offering plates will not be passed, but attendees are asked to place their offering in the plate upon leaving.
- During this time, there will be no meet and greet.
- Instead of a formal invitation (inviting people to come forward), attendees will be asked to share their decision with the Pastor once the service has concluded.
USBC has gone to great lengths to do our best to create a safe and welcoming environment for you and your family to worship in.
Therefore, we encourage you to join us in person as we worship the Lord together.