Upper Seneca Baptist Church
Sunday, May 05, 2024
Our Mission: Impacting the Kingdom of God one person at a time
In Matthew 6:8, the Lord said, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” So why would God want you to talk to Him about all your needs when He already knows what they are? The truth is that praying is not informing God about something you’re going through or just asking Him for help; it is honoring Him as the source of your life. He wants you to know that He’s always with us, He’s all-powerful, He’s all-knowing; and wants us to be involved in what He’s doing. 
Prayer is crucial for our spiritual growth. You can memorize scripture, attend church, be baptized, and talk to people about Jesus Christ, but if you neglect prayer, you are on the road to ultimate spiritual defeat. You simply cannot develop an intimate relationship with anyone unless you spend time sharing and listening, because that’s a big part of discovering who the other person is. God reveals Himself to the degree that we open our heart to Him and then we need to act upon what He has shown us. 
That’s the relationship we should have with our Father.
Praying means coming to Him under His authority, in submission to His will, and in total dependence upon Him.
Let’s learn to enjoy being with our Lord throughout each day.